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Thorough Transmission Repairs in Jacksonville, NC

Our transmission repairs at AAMCO Jacksonville NC in Jacksonville, North Carolina, are second to none in terms of quality and affordability. Transmission problems, such as fluid leaks or grinding noises, need to be inspected and repaired as soon as possible. Those who ignore transmission issues end up with more extensive repairs (and higher repair costs) in the long run. Our team can help you understand what has gone wrong with your transmission and fix it for you. We can handle anything including diagnostics, repairs, and even complete rebuilds of transmission for all models of cars, trucks, and SUVs.

diagnostic report

The Most Trusted Transmission Repairs Around

Customers have trusted AAMCO’s transmission repairs for more than 50 years. This is because we hold the highest standards of automotive repairs anywhere. When a car owner brings their vehicle to us, we check all solenoids, sensors, wiring, electrical components, and more. Our transmission team does everything in its power to ensure that you never end up broken down on the side of the road. Whether you need minor transmission maintenance or a complete rebuild, we explain the services thoroughly and ensure that you understand the scope of the work.

How to Identify Transmission Problems

It can be difficult to identify when your transmission is the problem. The transmission is the part of your vehicle that moves power from the motor to the wheels. It controls the amount of power that goes from the engine to the wheels. If you suspect that you have transmission problems, you can always bring your vehicle into our shop, and our team will gladly help you get to the bottom of things. However, there are a few signs that you are having transmission problems, such as:

  • Difficulty switching gears
  • A burning smell
  • Unusual sounds when in neutral
  • Slipping gears
  • Dragging clutch
  • Fluid leaks
  • Check engine light
  • Shaking vehicle
  • Vehicle does not switch gears

Our High-Tech Transmission Scans Can Diagnose Any Problem

As part of the national AAMCO family, we have access to one of the most advanced transmission scanning systems on the market. Our special Kwiktest PlusBox delivers precise diagnostics by comparing your vehicle to the problems in our nationwide database. This form of transmission scan starts by inspecting your transmission fluid, transfer casing, and anything else necessary. Afterward, we perform a road test to assess your vehicle’s:

  • Timing of engagements
  • Drive ranges
  • Upshift and downshift timing
  • Passing gears
  • The torque converter clutch
  • Unusual noises and vibration
  • Ability to shift gears

Get Your Free Inspection Today