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The Best Place to Go in Jacksonville, NC for Auto Repairs

The team at AAMCO Jacksonville NC knows the importance of keeping your vehicle running smoothly, which is why we offer reliable auto repairs in Jacksonville, North Carolina. You can count on friendly service and quality craftsmanship when you come to us. We have the knowledge and training to handle all makes and models of cars, trucks, and SUVs. With our state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques and our highly trained technicians, we can fix any problems with your vehicle, whether it’s replacing a battery or completely rebuilding your transmission. Our shop also works on entire fleets of vehicles, maintaining all your vehicles in one trustworthy location.

oil change

We Work on All Makes and Models

One of the worst experiences for a car owner is to find out that a shop can’t handle your specific repair. That doesn’t happen at our shop. Our mechanics work on vehicles of all makes and models. Whether you have a foreign or domestic vehicle, we know how it works and how to fix it. On top of that, we perform repairs, no matter how big or small. We treat oil changes with the same attention to detail as major clutch repairs. No matter what car, truck, or SUV you bring to us, we want to ensure that it works better than ever when you get back on the road.

AAMCO Jacksonville NC’s Automotive Services

We always start our repair services by diagnosing the problem, explaining it to you, and giving you a detailed estimate for the work. With technicians trained in all areas of automotive repairs, our team can fix nearly any issue. Some of the most common automotive services we perform are:

Automotive Repair
Belts & Hoses
Brake Repair
Check Engine Light
Clutch Service
Cooling & Heating
Engine Tune-Up
Exhaust System
Oil Change
Transmission Repair

Fair Financing and Free Towing

When you need automotive repairs, your entire life is often put on hold until they are complete. You can’t wait to do things like go to work or pick the kids up from school. In an attempt to make auto repairs as accessible as possible, we offer financing plans and free towing. We do not charge when we help tow your vehicle to the shop for diagnostics. Then, you can take advantage of our financing plans if you need to pay for the repairs over time. To us, the most important thing is getting you safely back on the road.

Get Your Free Inspection Today