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A National Network Plus Local Jacksonville, NC Mechanics

AAMCO Jacksonville NC is a proud member of the larger AAMCO Family. Our local Jacksonville, North Carolina service shop provides a place for car owners to get repairs and maintenance from a familiar source they can trust. Since 1982, our shop has helped members of the community keep their cars running smoothly. Car owners bring their vehicles to us repeatedly because they know they can expect honesty, reliability, and friendliness.

diagnostic report

Our Warranties Can’t Be Beat

We believe in our work, and we believe our work will last. To back up this level of confidence, we provide a variety of warranties for our work. We design our warranties for specific services. So, if you need minor transmission services, we have a warranty designed just for that. However, if your vehicle requires an entirely custom-built transmission, we have a warranty geared towards that as well. We hope our customers never need to use one of our warranties, but if you do, you’ll be glad you have it.

Visit AAMCO Jacksonville NC Today!

You don’t always need an appointment to visit our shop, but we suggest you schedule one if you plan to bring your car, truck, or SUV to us. It allows us to help prepare for your vehicle and get you taken care of more quickly. All appointments are free. So, don’t delay your maintenance or repairs. We also offer free towing, which means we’ll help you get your vehicle to us if it ever breaks down. Whatever causes you to need our assistance, we can’t wait to meet you and help get your vehicle running like new!

Get Your Free Inspection Today